Would You Love A Gift?

Would You Love A Gift?

Would you love a gift? Well what if I told you that you already have this gift? Yes, you received a gift a few years ago. Don’t you remember? It has been a while. It’s a ‘wonder-full’ gift and it was given to you by someone very special. Actually...
Would you like a Mind-Holiday?

Would you like a Mind-Holiday?

Do you have Thinking Overwhelm Syndrome? Our minds can be constantly busy with many thoughts and distractions to keep it occupied, which can eventually lead to overwhelm. I recently came to the conclusion that my life wasn’t busy – it was just my mind is...
Stop, Look, Listen

Stop, Look, Listen

Stop, Listen, Look .. then lets walk forward in life Do you remember the Green Cross Code? It was an advertisement played on TV when I was growing up and was created to teach kids how to cross the road. The premise was based on Stop, Listen, Look and then Action/Take...
Decide, Leap, Liberate

Decide, Leap, Liberate

Decide, Leap, Liberate   Have you ever felt the feeling that you really just want to walk away from it all? … that you have had enough? … that there must be something more out there for you? … that you are truly meant for something different in this life?...
First Love Yourself

First Love Yourself

Our pondering thought for today .. is that it is rarely fulfilling to put others first therefore it is best to first love yourself. When we put others before ourselves whether it be in family, business or amongst friends we are stating to ourselves ‘We are not...

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