The Empowered Healers Path

Are you ready to …

★ Step forward fully into your Power

★ Own and Trust your Gifts

★ Appreciate your Value

★ Impact the world as you were always meant to …

   … as you step into the next level of YOU!

The Empowered ‘Healer’s Path is a Journey of stepping into your true power, raising your vibration and connecting with your inner spark that has always been within.

Brenda McCole Feng Shui Consultant and Empowerment Coach


You’re on this page because you intuitively know at your core there is a powerful force within you, a light within eagerly wanting to shine forth and make a bigger impact in the world. It’s time for your beautiful essence to be felt fully in the world. And you are in the right place.

As a lightworker or healer you have studied, researched and learnt a lot over the years.

Yet, maybe you have realised you are still unsure of your path in life, or you are feeling stuck when you try to move forward,  or perhaps feel like you are too comfortable under your shell that you don’t really want to come out and face the world just yet. 

That’s ok. That’s what I’m here to help you with do.

I’m here to guide you into complete alignment of your own unique path, stepping fully into your power without ego, owning your gifts with pride whilst ensuring your vibration is raised to it’s fullest that you can embody at this time.  

I will guide you to the next level of you by assisting you through the deeper transformational work to remove the layers that keep your inner essence hidden, even from yourself so that you can express yourself with ease and step onto the path that you were destined to take.

Brenda McCole Coach

Can you relate to any of these?


  • You have always felt like you have a special role – yet you haven’t fully stepped into it.
  • You long to express yourself as a Light-worker or Healer with ease and integrity – and quit trying to lead an exhausting double life.
  • You want to be able to serve with a higher vibrational frequency – and be able to maintain this everyday effortlessly. 
  • You sense your true self is ready to be witnessed – and are ready to do the deep transformational work to free yourself from the layers of programming that holds you back even if you don’t know what these are yet.
  • You want to lead a life of Balance and create a lifestyle and build support structures that helps you have the amazing life you deserve – aligned with the values that you hold true for you but not sure where to start to make this a reality.
  • You are ready to grab opportunities that are already there for the taking with a big “YES” – and saying Yes to all that life has to offer you but maybe you don’t fully trust yourself to make decisions.
  • You are ready to shout your services to all and open to receiving your clients –and let go of the fear of possible judgments from those closest to you because you know it is not serving you!

And perhaps you are saying to yourself…

 “I’m afraid of taking on too much and experiencing burnout again!”

“Whatever I create won’t be perfect so I’ll stall creating my hearts desires”

“I hope someone else will fullfill my life mission as I’m not ready to put myself out there or I’m not brave enough

“Who am I to make a significant impact on the world – I feel like an imposter

It’s easier to play small so I won’t be rejected, humiliated or mocked by family and friends” 

I don’t deserve to have the lifestyle I dream of”

“It’s all too much, the overwhelm of doing it all on my own

Brenda McCole Coaching Empowered Path

I’ve had similar thoughts. I get it. But let me ask you this…

Do these thoughts serve your inner desires? Since I was a teenager I knew I wanted to work in healing mind, body and spirit. I took the very long path to get to where I am today, and I have no regrets, however I do have many learnings to share with you to guide you onto your Empowered Path.  

An inner desire never sleeps, and one way or another it will come forth. Turning a blind eye to it, pushing against it, or dragging your feet and it takes up a lot of your energy and is exhausting. Its far more simpler to follow your flow and step into the abundant version of you that you were always meant to be.

One day at a time I did my deep transformational work, I deepened my spiritual practice, allowed myself to receive the lifestyle I wished. I won’t say any of this was easy. That’s why I’ve created The Empowered Path to guide you step by step on your journey. It’s time to confidently accept that you are here to do big work in this world and have a lot of fun doing it! It’s your time to shine!

So, what does an empowered healer look like?

🌟 She embodies high levels of self-belief which support her in her life and business adventures.

🌟 She sparkles as she creates the thriving lifestyle she chooses for herself.

🌟 She believes in her gifts and incredible energy and in her ability to share these gifts on the earth.

🌟 She loves to tell everyone what she does and is enthusiastic about sharing her services and products.

🌟 She is energetically aligned with her purpose.

🌟 She grabs opportunities with enthusiasm and excitement.

🌟 She nurtures herself first by filling up her own cup, and only when overflowing will gift to others.

🌟 She effortlessly asks for help, advice, guidance and support and receives with ease and gratitude.

🌟  She has built an amazing relationship with herself so that that voice in her head is her biggest cheerleader, fan and supporter thus liberating her to express her true self.

The Empowered Healers Path Programme Includes:-

Brenda McCole Coaching

✓ Twelve weekly personalised 1:1 VIP Coaching Sessions (45 minutes). 

Using a mix of tools and therapies I have at my disposal I will guide you onto alignment of your empowered path. I will meet you where you are at and walk with you through each step of the journey.

✓ Weekly Action Points

These are for you to complete between sessions which will be tailored to your needs, to help you embed and embody your sessions.

✓ Email, Text and Voice Support

This is available between sessions for the duration of the programme for any questions or concerns you may have and also to share your WINS!! 

✓ BONUS – ‘Energetic Alignment’ Daily TIPS

These short personalised morning emails will keep you aligned with the outcomes of our coaching session and may require some reflection, a little journalling, or a small challenge. This ensures the program is not just considered once per week, but a full immersion in a transformational change. Nothing too overwhelming here and lots to keep your vibration high. 

The Empowered Path will guide you step by step into a deeper understanding of your energy and align it with all the potential that is ready and waiting for you.

As we step through this program you will notice yourself becoming more confident, trusting to share your gifts with the world, and OWN what it is you do knowing the VALUE you give to your clients, and its impact on the world.

Your Investment

The Empowered Path is valued at €4,400. (This price is scheduled to increase).

I appreciate you could continue to read more books, do other course or try to do it all on your own.

• head away on a holiday for a month
• put money into the saving account for your dream house
• or pay off a few bills


✓ Stepping into your personal power so that you are leading ‘your life, your way

✓ Raising your Vibration so that you feel limitless, infinite, connected and supported in all that you do.

✓ Owning your Gifts so much that you can’t wait to tell everyone what you do and how you do it. 


I’m Interested! … What Do I Do Next?

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Step 1:- Decide

Decide that you are ready for fully Empowered living! YES YES YES!

Why wait another day to step into YOUR power and start to make the impact you were always meant to make in the world!

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Step 2:- Invest in You

Signup using the button below where you will be asked to:-

1) Select a time for your ‘Empowered Mastery’ Virtual Coffee Chat (15 mins) where we can meet and get to know each other.

2) Complete a short Questionnaire so I know how I can support you during these 12 weeks before our coffee chat.

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Step 3:- Celebrate

You will receive an email from me to confirm your place in the programme and with all the details you should need. Yay!

It’s time to get excited about the possibilities coming your way in the next 8 weeks.

Let me answer your Questions…

Who is this program for?

This program is aimed for Lightworkers and Healers who are commencing their spiritual journey and are ready to own their purpose, share their gifts and light up the world.

As a lightworker / healer / changemaker we have an instinct to help other, help the planet, but first we must help ourselves.

First we must find our true place, align with our soul path, and stand strong in our own power releasing all the programming that holds us back from expressing our pure essence.

From here we can have a greater impact in our communities and in the world.

We can create a lifestyle that suits us.

It all starts by connecting with your true infinite power within and embracing it, working through it and letting your light shine just by being you.

This is grace.

It’s time to make an impact and I’m here to support you on your journey. Are you ready to shine powerfully with ease?

Can we talk about the program before I decide?

Actually I insist we both have a complimentary ‘Virtual Coffee Chat‘ to discuss the program and agree its right for us both. 😊

An example of this is where you may be looking for someone to help you with your business marketing which is not what my program is aimed at so this ensures we are both ‘singing from the same page’ before we commit to anything.

When you are ready to chat you can book your complimentary ‘Virtual Coffee Chat‘ with me HERE.

How long will the program take?

The “Empowered Healer” program is designed over 12 weeks, one 45 minute session per week. :-

The learnings will continue long after the 12 weeks, therefore this not just a 12 week program, but a lifetime investment in you!

Note: All 12 sessions are to be used within a 24 weeks of signing up.

What's the likelihood of success in this program?

If you commit to yourself, and to your transformation, then you will not only have success, but enjoy the adventure and journey along the way.

This is not a zero to hero program. The Empowered Path will expand your comfort zone ‘one step towards’ in a way that you feel safe, yet excited.  This is gentle approach, yet profound with learnings and incorporating a new structure for your day to support your mindset for as long as you encorporate the learnings in your day to day activities. 

How much of my time will be needed?

Like anything in life, the more time you invest in this program, then the more rewards you will receive from it.  

My aim is to keep you focused throughout, however I cannot do the inner work for you yet I will be your biggest supporter and fan throughout. 

In addition to our 45 minute weekly meeting I suggest to many clients to book at least one night per week ‘ME time’ to review the session notes, take time to journal, read inspirational books as recommended in the program, or videos/documentaries etc

Additionally, at the minimum I would suggest 10 minutes each morning getting ‘prepped’ for the day, to align yourself with that which you desire. (Don’t worry I will explain all of this and we will walk through it together in bite sized chunks). I’m on hand if anything gets too overwhelming.

Can I pay in installments?

Yes, a payment plan can be arranged. 

Now, your turn .. What Questions do you have for me?

I’d love to know what’s on your mind, what concerns, or questions you have for me. If you could take a minute to share them with me then I will be able to respond to you. Use my Contact form to submit your query and I look forward to hearing from you. 

Disclaimer: I am not a therapist or medical professional. This programme is not a replacement for counselling or seeking assistance for your mental health. Instead, it is meant to create awareness and wellness around the stress and overwhelm you might be feeling and provide some tools you can begin to use and familiarize yourself with to begin shifting your mindset and cultivating more calm and ease into your life.