How to Love Your Self

Do you Love yourself?

The most important relationship we have is our relationship with ourselves.

So take a moment to consider what is your relationship with yourself, and what you would choose for your relationship with yourself to be?


Self Reflection

So have you realised that the wonderful person you see in the mirror every morning is the person you will be hanging out with until your very last breath in this lifetime and for some of us that may be another 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or longer years yet to spend every single minute with that person looking back at you through that mirror!

That’s a long time! So I guess it would be a good idea to invest some time into this relationship with YOU and begin to love yourself?

Mirror Talk

When last did you spend time looking at yourself in the mirror, being present with your true self, perhaps with no mind chatter and just BE’ing?

Are you afraid to look into the eyes of that person in the mirror and if so, what’s the worst that could happen?

Do you really know you, or have you a persona which you have created for yourself?

What words do you say to yourself or to that person in the mirror? Are they positive, full of praise and compliments or the opposite?

What is the dialogue with YOU usually about? Weight, Looks, Feeling unfulfilled in life, Self Belief, Self Worth, Self-Esteem?

Zero Tolerance

Sometimes the way we talk to ourselves we would definitely not tolerate from a friend – they would have become history a long time ago!.

Do you still want to be friends with the person in the mirror the way you speak to YOU?


Do you like that person in the mirror?

Would you want them as your best friend?

Is the person in the mirror FUN?

Is the person in the mirror INSPIRATIONAL?

Is the person in the mirror ADVENTUROUS?

Is the person in the mirror COURAGEOUS and DARING?

Is the person in the mirror MOTIVATING?

Is the person in the mirror really HONEST with themselves?

Does that person STAND UP for others and speak positively about others?

Does the person in the mirror have INTEGRITY and speak their TRUTH at all times?

Do you LOVE that person in the mirror?

“BE the change you want to see in the world”- Ghandi

What are the best qualities and characteristics in your friends?  Which qualities would like to add to the list that you would like to BE when you see your reflection in the mirror?

Good Reflections

Absolutely everyone has positive qualities, so try to focus on what you do like reflected back at you through the mirror? Pick at least 7 positives when you look at yourself in the mirror.


Is it Time for change?


Well guess what, we can change what we don’t like in the mirror!.

NOW is the time to start to love that beautiful soul looking back at you in the mirror, make each other laugh, do something silly, say positive things to each other, compliments each other and bring each other out on dates.

A lovely workbook I once did was called ‘The Artist Way’ by Julia Cameron which as part of the process got me to go out on dates with myself – maybe if you haven’t taken yourself out on a date for a while it’s time to do so? All you need to do is consider where you would like a partner to take you to and go there and do that – maybe it’s a walk along a beach, or in a park and it doesn’t have to cost a cent as some of the best moments in life are free. You know where you’d like to go so I’ll leave that up to you!. Mostly have fun with it – it’s your date with you so create some memories for yourself too as you would if you were going on a date with a partner or friend! (and perhaps leave the phone at home so you can be truly present with yourself). Do it Today!.

New Beginnings

Everyday we have the CHOICE to start painting on a blank canvas, or continue with the one we have CREATING the expression of our lives. What do you want to create from today onwards, what is the picture of your life going to look like. From today start to LOVE YOURSELF inside and outside every single day!


If you have any comments, or would like to share your journey with your relationship with yourself I’d love to hear about it below.


Have a wonderful life!.

Lots of love,



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