A New Year, A New Beginning

The new year bring a fresh energy which everyone across our globe enjoys. The energy feels so fresh it is exciting. It feels like we get a new opportunity to start again.

It is a fantastic time to plant new seeds for our personal harvest. (well that is if you already know what to plant but I’ll come to that later).

Those chosen seeds will be nurtured under the warm soil as we choose which goals we wish for in the coming year.

Those chosen seeds that will then feel the heat of the spring sun shining on them beaconing them to come alive and be seen by all.

This is the time we are now living in and it is full of possibilities.

Imagine having a blank field to plant whichever seeds you wish for in your life – what will you plant?

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant” – Robert Louis Stephenson.


Where do I start?

Or perhaps you are you confused? Have you ever planted seeds before for your own life?

Not everyone is a Gardner in life, and has the know-how and skills to get their personal garden to blossom, hence they reach out for help.

A coach can help you sow the right seeds for you life, so you can water them, nurture them and watch as your dreams blossom into life.

A coach is not just for the new year, it’s for every day helping you to reap the harvest you planted over and over again.

Are you ready?

If not, what are you waiting for?

Have you tried before and failed, if so, what happened?

Perhaps reflection on the last year may show that you actually did achieve a lot.  Yet there are some areas you still haven’t quite conquered.  Are you fed up of the same routine, the same job and work politics and know you are destined for greater things.

Could you start to imagine what magnificence you could grow if you begun planting some seeds for your life everyday starting today.

If you are even slightly curious and need some guidance then check out my group programme starting soon!

Wishing you a wonderful year ahead and I look forward to connecting with you.



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