90 Day 1:1 ‘Back To Balance’ Coaching Programme
Are You Ready To Life Your Life Fully?
“Would you love to navigate your life with Greater Ease and feel more Confident and Empowered?”
So You Can Stop …
- Feeling stressed, frustrated, tired or burnt out.
- Overwhelmed with daily life and unable to cope with demanding workload.
- Lacking in Confidence.
- Feeling overpowered in relationships.
- All your energy is focused on work, work, work.
- Feeling like you are invisible, not being listened to and are not being respected.
- Feeling like you are ‘not enough’.
- Fearful of making mistakes regardless how big or small.
What You Need Is …
What you need is someone who will support and encourage you to blossom into your fullest version of you whilst you navigate through your current life situation. Someone that will hold your hand until you get to the other side.
What you need is to feel empowered to be worthy of speaking up for yourself and for asking for what you want and need. To regain your confidence and respect and to realise your importance in the world. To not just ‘sit at the table’ but to participate without fear of emotional repercussions.
What you need is someone that’s been through a similar situation and got to the other side. I’ve had many life learning experiences of feeing stressed, overpowered by others, and burning out a few times throughout my life.My passion is witnessing your journey from feeling stressed, anxious and overwhelmed to confidently feeling empowered in all that you are and all that you do whilst taking extreme self-care of yourself along the way.
I have the experience and knowledge to support you to (Re)Connect with your true self and to get you back onto your lifes path.With professional experience of people management combined with many years of spiritual development and self-discovery work on my self I have a deep understanding and compassion for your pain. I can help bring a light to your problems and find a safe path for you to a clearer path in life.
This 90 Day Programme is for professional women who want to reclaim their power, speak their truth with confidence, connect with their hearts desire, nurture a more positive mindset, and are willing to put themselves first.
It is ideal for you if you would like to listen and be guided by your own inner voice to feel Calmer, Peaceful, Empowered, Inspired and to gain Clarity and Control, whilst getting more organised, bring balance into your life, focused on your hearts desire whilst looking forward to the future. It is ideal for you if you are open to discover your creativity, possibilities and fearlessly living potential.
It is ideal for you if you are ready to leave the past behind and start stepping into your future.

Here’s exactly what you’ll receive when you join this Programme:
✓ 12 Weekly 1:1 Online Coaching Sessions with Brenda McCole
✓ Session notes to remind you of agreed actions
✓ Weekly Action Points for you to complete between sessions which will be tailored to your needs, to help you embed and embody your sessions.
✓ Email Support between sessions for the duration of the programme for any questions or concerns you may have.
✓ BONUS – ‘A New Start’ eWorkbook guiding you through the steps to realise your Goals and how to get you there .. and much more!
What Others Had To Say ..
Listen To Shireen’s Story (7 mins)
“Just a note to say THANK YOU!. To say I was nervous at the start is an understatement. Your welcoming smile, chats and understanding made me feel at home immediately …. Right now, I truly feel I can face whatever is ahead and I’m standing tall ready to start the next ‘chapter’. You have made me feel like me again and I haven’t felt like that in so long. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.” .. Liz
“Thank you so much for the chats, the attentive ear when I needed to talk … You have a rare gift!” Jacqui
“Your words gave me a real sense of peace and I can’t thank you enough. You have a very special gift” Kerry.
I’m Interested! … What Do I Do Next?

Step 1:-
Apply for your 90 Day ‘Back to Balance’ Programme by picking a date and time that suits you to have a chat with Brenda.

Step 2:-
We meet! This can be done using any online video tool(Skype/Zoom/What’s App). We will discuss where you are at and your expectations from the programme and any questions you may have for me.

Step 3:-
We Decide: We will both consider if we feel we are a good fit to work together for 90 days. Thats it!