Decide, Leap, Liberate


Have you ever felt the feeling that you really just want to walk away from it all?

… that you have had enough?

… that there must be something more out there for you?

… that you are truly meant for something different in this life?

“There’s a difference between giving up, and knowing when you’ve had enough”


Well, please know you are not alone.  Clients tell me their stories everyday and therefore I can tell you that a lot of folk are not living truly fulfilling lives. Most folk are focused externally (looking after others first, societies expectations of them, what’s happening in the news etc) rather than listening, trusting and being guided internally.


What would happen if you moved on?

… and took a leap of faith in yourself?

… and let go of that cliff that you so desperately cling to?


Do you feel contracted feeling stuck with where you are, or expanded knowing there’s something else better out there for you?

So what keeps us clinging on?


FEAR(False Evidence Appearing Real)


Well that would be our FEAR.

I was hanging desperately to a cliff a few years ago, and thankfully realized my FEAR was imaginary. It doesn’t exist. It has not happened. I can’t touch it, smell it, and taste it. It’s like seeing a ghost – it’s not real. And it couldn’t actually harm me. It was if anything, just trying to keep me safe so I thanked it. Yet keeping me safe, was crushing the adventurer in me, the curious side of me, the part of me that wanted to a fresh change, a new start, a new project, a new life.


Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear


So I took the leap of faith and never looked back. As they say when we close one door, a few more will open for us with new and possibly unexpected opportunities available to us.

I remember musing a how long it took me to make The Decision, and how easy everything was for me once The Decision to leap was made and how freeing it was. My mind was freer, my body felt lighter and everything around me seemed more colorful and brighter and happier.

Usually our fear helps us with the beautiful challenges of our life lessons helping us to grow. Nowadays, I see our life lessons like a game, where we move up to the next level once we have successfully overcome the level we were on.

I guess it’s similar to a computer game where once you get to the end of your level, you get to move up to the next level, with more adventures and challenges, and in time your overcome that level also and so on and so forth until you eventually are winning in the game of life.

Sometimes when we face the worst possible scenario that could happen we realize it’s not that fearsome at all. We may realize mentally and emotionally that we are ready to take a leap of faith in ourselves, and perhaps we need to stay real and plan for whatever we need when we decide to step forwards in life. Do we need some savings?, Do we need more skills or certificates?

So, to help you further, below is a Decision Making Tool which you can use any time. Firstly, consider some area in your life that you are trying to make a decision on and fully answer each question before moving onto the next.

Decision Making Tool

Perhaps we all need a little of the astrology sign of Pieces in us, where their tendencies are to continually move forward like the fish that represents their sign. Have you ever seen a fish look backwards?

Not all decisions will be as difficult to make. The decisions I’m talking about may be related to a relationship, career changes after many years, retiring etc. Or perhaps spiritually you have outgrown ‘you’ yet still living as that person you were even though it doesn’t fit anymore? Or, are you wearing someone else’s costume and not being true to yourself?

When does the pain get so high that we have no option but to release our grasp of that cliff that we are desperately clinging to? What level is your pain at now? How high are you willing to let it get to before you will be forced to make a decision?

Are you aware that pain may eventually manifest in our bodies if we do not keep flowing with the life that we have been gifted and continue to overcome our life lessons that we choose at the beginning of our journey. Check out publishing’s from Louise Hays or Caroline Myss for more details on this subject. For example.. hip pain is generally our inability to move forward in life, back pain may tell us when we are not feeling supported etc.


It takes courage to leap, yet when we really consider it, the first step is the most courageous step as the following steps get easier and easier to take.

Are you ready to take the first step?

When the decision is right.. We feel the expanded-ness and the peace within.

When does it feel right to step our of the cage that we put ourselves in, knowing that we always had the keys to open that cage and let ourselves out? Is now a good time? What would happen if you were to step outside of your box or cage today?

What balance do you need of Security & Responsibility v’s Freedom & Allowing?

Are you willing to allow yourself you receive abundantly from the Universe?


 ‘same thinking = same results’


Perhaps you are feeling scared at the feeling of taking a leap into a unknown void? Instead we could create a leap into something that you are aiming for that you wish to create. Does that feel lighter to you?


What would you like to do/create/have in your own life? What are your passions, desires? What do you value? There are many tools and people available nowadays to help you with this. Perhaps create a vision board to help you focus on what you wish to bring into your life, which will help you, move on from where you are?


What could be scarier than staying in a dead end job that you don’t enjoy with a good salary and playing life ‘safe’?

Everyone has an adventurer within them. When last did you try something new, even if it was just tasting a new fruit, or have a new experience etc.?

You get to create your own rules for your life. Do you like the rules you are playing with today, and if not, which rules do you wish to change?

Just like every morning we get the opportunity to start again with a blank canvas and create each moment of our day, from who we wish to be that day(kind, warrior, good listener), to what we wear, how much we wish to focus on our own lives and listening within, how much news or gossip we want to listen or partake in, what type of music we surround ourselves in and people around us that support us in all of our being.


If you are still unsure about moving forward here’s a few more questions that also help in decision-making.

  • What would you older and wiser self say to you now? (Imagine yourself at 100 and what wisdom could you tell yourself now)
  • What would your younger self say to you now? (Imaging yourself as a teenager without so much weight of responsibility and neediness for security)

On a final note, Self Worth comes from Self Love. When we love ourselves first we will not stand for anything less than what we truly deserve and we know the universe has our back at all times and that we are being perfectly guided, and even if there are a few more life lessons along the way we know they won’t knock us down, yet instead they will strengthen our resolve to shine.


Our Deepest fear full

When we let our own light shine we empower others to do the same” – Marianne Williamson

I hope you enjoyed this article and if you have any questions, please get in touch with me.

Take care and have a wonderful day.


My mission is to empower others to lead fulfilling lives.

Please do not copy or recreate without permission from the author.





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