Here’s a recent ‘Happy Clients’ Testimonial from Shireen who completed her 90 day program in July 2018.  (7 minutes) If you would love to be able to say the same and achieve those goals and dreams now, then just drop me a line today! Whilst every clients programme is unique, what made her programme extra unique are:
  1. Shireen had never done any coaching before AND
  2. Shireen had no access to a computer or iPad throughout the program – and yet this is an online coaching programme!.
However, we both felt it was right to proceed and so we used a simple combination of Video Calling on What’s App, and uploading YouTube videos on learnings/trainings between sessions and it worked out perfectly! So no matter what your circumstances we will always aim to find the right approach to proceed – as the program is not about the technology but instead of improving areas of your life so we will find a way. Shireen is now finally doing things that she wanted to do 20 years ago, with increased confidence, brighter mindset and knows how to keep herself on track and keep on growing.
How long do you want to wait to do what you’ve always wanted to do?
(Apologies for the quality of the sound on the video – it also was recorded over What’s App so no fancy cameras etc. )

Thank you Shireen – it’s been a pleasure working with you too!

  After watching this you may be curious about:-
  • What could possibly happen for you if you only dedicated 90 days to your life path?
  • What transformations and changes for the better could you bring into your life?
  • What’s not working for you now and how could it be amazingly better in 12 weeks?
  • How long have you waited already for changes to happen to your life?
  • Have you been driving at the wheel or more like sitting int he backseat of your life recently?
When you ready, click below and lets start chatting about how I can be of service to you. I look forward to hearing from you.